Succeed….If You Dare

Succeed….If You Dare


10 Secrets for Success in Business and in Life

ISBN: 978-1-887570-20-6, 217 pages 6″ x 9″
We all have greatness within us: we all have success within our grasp…. if we would only dare to reach for it. This book clearly identifies the various reasons why most of us hold back and are not yet successful.
Formerly titled “Soar . . . If You Dare”



Product Description
We all have greatness within us: we all have success within our grasp…. if we would only dare to reach for it. This book clearly identifies the various reasons why most of us hold back and are not yet successful.

It helps the reader to clearly recognize and effectively utilize their inherent, but untapped, strengths and abilities: their secret powers that will propel them to success.
“Many of your readers will utilize your creative ideas
to go on to great success and happiness. You tell readers
what they can become, then you tell them how.”

– Dr. Norman Vincent Peale,
author of The Power of Positive Thinking
